


將臨期主日 12/1/2024


  • 聖誕節商業氣氛比宗教色彩還要濃厚,借宗教為名,吃喝玩樂為實?
  • 物質的東西是否一定不好?
  • 耶穌基督為我們犧牲的身體價值是無限的。但是世人的靈魂,在神眼中有更超然的價值(約翰福音 3:16)
  • 19「不要為自己在地上積蓄財寶;地上有蟲子咬,能銹壞,也有賊挖洞來偷。20要在天上積蓄財寶;天上沒有蟲子咬,不會銹壞,也沒有賊挖洞來偷。21因為你的財寶在哪裏,你的心也在哪裏。」
  • 什麼是天上的珍寶?神的兒女!像你和我有靈的活人!

地上的榮華富貴都是過眼云煙 (6:19)

  • 今天就要懂得使用和享受。(傳道書9:7-9)
  • 不要讓把過眼云煙的事物成為你的夢想。
  • 珍寶海鮮舫
  • Dot-Com Bubble
  • But where are the snows of yesteryear?
  • 將生命投注在地上暫時的財寶,你的人生就是充滿黑暗 (6:22-23) 。
  • 沒有人能事奉兩個主。您不能同時事奉神和金錢。
  • 因為天父的寶貝,人的靈魂,才是永恒。


  • 陰司紙?
  • 贖罪卷?
  • 你今天就已經是天上的珍寶!
  • 人本身的價值當然比身外物高(6:25)
  • 人的價值比其他地上的生物高。人甚至比天使高(6:26)
  • 神有怎會不更加珍重與祂有永恆關係的寶貝呢 (6:30)?
  • 你如何知道自己是配稱神的兒女?
    • 人有強烈的自卑感,很容易跌入一個試探。不是想討神喜悅,而是想討人喜悅。
    • 當您讓您的追隨者成為您的形象顧問時,您就不再是您自己了!
    • 神所賜出人意外的平安,必在基督耶穌裡保守你們的心懷意念。(腓立比書 4:7)


  • 因為你們的財寶在那裡,你們的心也在那裡(6:21)。
  • 天父的寶貝是他的兒女。天父的心也是在他兒女那裡。
  • 當我們找到屬天的寶藏時,其他一切都變成次要了。那屬天的寶藏是什麼?今天我告訴你,天父的寶貝就是你。
  • 既然是這樣,你為什麼還要為明天憂慮呢?
  • 基督徒和我外面的人不同的地方。不是我們沒有今天今生今世的憂慮。而是當我們有地上的憂慮的時候,我們知道可以透過禱告交給我們天上的父。
  • 耶穌說的是不要為明天憂慮。因為我們知道掌管明天的是誰。

The Treasure of the Heavenly Father

Matthew 6:19-21

Pastor Gideon Lee

Advent 12/1/2024


  • Christmas has a more commercial atmosphere than a religious one. The celebration of Christmas was eating, drinking and having fun in the name of religion?
  • Arer material things are necessarily bad?
  • The human body has great value, and the body that Jesus Christ sacrificed for us is of infinite value. But the souls of the world have an even more transcendent value in God’s eyes.
  • 19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
  • What is the treasure of heaven? The children of God! People like you and me with a soul!

Earthly glory and riches are all fleeting (6:19)

  • You should enjoy and use what you have today. (Eccl. 9:7-9)
  • Do not let transient things become the focus of your hope and dream.
  • Jumbo (“Treasure”) Seafood restaurant
  • Dot-Com Bubble
  • But where are the snows of yesteryear?
  • If you bet your life on temporary treasures on earth and don’t pay attention to the eternal treasures in heaven?
  • No one can serve two masters. You cannot serve God and money at the same time.

The immortal soul of Man is the treasure of the Heavenly Father (6:20).

  • Cash in Hades?
  • Indulgences?
  • You are already a treasure in heaven today, when you live out your faith today!
  • The value of a person is higher than material things (6:25).
  • People are higher than any other creature on earth. Man is even higher than angels (6:26)
  • How much more will He value His precious children who have an eternal relationship with Him (6:30)?
  • How do you know if you are worthy of being called God’s child?
    • People who have an inferiority complex are vulnerable to falling into temptation. They don’t want to please God, but they want to please people.  But to pursue more followers for yourself, you always become what others want you to be.
    • And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)

For parents, their children are their treasure and their heart is there.

  • For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (6:21)
  • God’s children are His beloved children. God’s heart is also in His children.
  • When we find the treasures of heaven, everything else becomes secondary. What are those treasures of heaven? I will tell you today: the treasure of heaven is you.
  • Since this case, why do you still worry about tomorrow?
  • But that is how Christians are different from people outside of our community. It’s not that we don’t have earthly worries. It’s just that when we have earthly worries, we know that we can hand them over to our heavenly Father through prayer.
  • What Jesus said is to not worry about tomorrow, because we know who controls tomorrow.
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