
  1. Back-to-school
  2. 國語事工將舉行浸禮
  3. Milpitas 分堂十位青少年受浸
  4. Marina Blvd 的家庭服務中心
  5. 既興奮又焦慮。我們該如何克服焦慮呢? 必須要有信心。
  6. Boston HERC / Dennis


  1. 需要對周遭的人所說的話保持一個健康的懷疑態度。
  2. 希伯來書 11:5-6
  3. 以諾的信仰
    1. 他相信神的存在。
    1. 他相信神會賞賜那些誠心尋求神的人。
  4. 真正的信仰有兩個基本特質
    1. 對看不見的事物有信心
    1. 對未發生的事有盼望
  5. 兩種可能性
    1. 有神論者的觀點
    1. 無神論者的觀點
  6. 惡的問題
    1. 神是全能的。
    2. 神是慈愛的。
    1. 為什麼神會容許世上的邪惡和苦難?
  7. 惡人拉麥(創世記 4:23-24)


  1. 創世記 5:21-24
  2. 一次相信,永遠得救?
  3. 一次得救,永遠相信。
  4. 一旦得救,不斷得救。


  1. 猶大書 14-15
  2. 神有更好的計劃(雅各書 4:13-15)

Starting a life full of faith

Hebrews 11:5-6 Pastor Gideon Lee 8/18/2024

A new journey

  1. Back-to-school
  2. The Chinese ministry will hold baptism
  3. Milpitas campus Ten Teens Baptized
  4. Family Service Center in Marina Blvd
  5. Excited and anxious at the same time. How can we overcome anxiety? You have to have faith.
  6. Boston HERC / Dennis

Faith begins with the doubt that negative is positive

  1. You need to have a healthy skepticism of what people around you are saying.
  2. Hebrews 11:5-6
  3. Enoch’s Faith
    1. He believed in the existence of God.
    1. He believed that God would reward those who sincerely sought God.
  4. There are two essential qualities of true faith.
    1. Have faith in the invisible.
    1. Have hope for what hasn’t happened.
  5. Two possibilities
    1. The theist’s point of view
    1. The atheist’s point of view
  6. The problem of evil
    1. God is all-powerful.
    1. God is loving.
    1. Why does God allow evil and suffering in the world?
  7. Lamech the Wicked (Genesis 4:23-24)

Faith is born of experiencing God

  1. Genesis 5:21-24
  2. Believe once, be saved forever?
  3. Once saved, always believes.
  4. Once saved, keep being saved.

Faith is the proof of the end

  1. Jude 14-15
  2. God Has a Better Plan (James 4:13-15)

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