因著信,挪亞既蒙神指示他未見的事,動了敬畏的心,造了方舟,使他全家得救。藉此他定了那世代的罪,自己也承受了那從信而來的義。(希伯來書 11:7)


  1. 他會接受神給他的知識和指示,即使這些知識很難相信,指示也很難執行。
    1. 前所未見的事情正是神挑戰一個人信心的成長的方法 (以賽亞書 43:18-19) 。
    1. 神可以讓我們看到以前沒有看到的事物,不斷的增長寬闊我們的信心。
    1. 神可以要我們做一些我們從未做過的事,來不斷加強我們的勇氣。
  2. 他會因對神的敬畏而用行動回應
    1. 兩種對神的恐懼。
      1. 我們活在罪中會害怕神 (雅各書 2:19) 。
      1. 我們因知道神的大能而敬畏祂(箴言 9:10)。
    1. 敬畏產生動力讓你專心在神指示你要做的事上(詩篇 119:11) 。
    1. 敬畏神能讓你克服對人的恐懼(馬太福音 10:26-28) 。
    1. 喇合因敬畏神而決定成為耶利哥的叛徒(約書亞記 2:11-12)。
  3. 他會把救恩的機會帶給身邊的人,包括他的家人。
    1. 當信主耶穌,你和你一家都必得救(使徒行傳 16:31) 。
  4. 他會把審判帶給那些拒絕神的知識和指示的人。
    1. 對福音的反應,往往取決於他們原有的信仰。
    1. 真正的無神論者和實際的無神論者態度都是及時行樂。你告訴他們神的審判,他們對你不會有好感。
    1. 認為救恩的福音是為弱者而設的人依靠自己。所以他們也不需要什么救世主,救生艇。
  5. 他會讓自己承受義
    1. 挪亞的故事神的Plan  B?
    1. 神一開始就預備毀滅了先前的,為的向後來的人表達神對他們的憐憫(在羅馬書 9:21-30)
    1. 救恩是沒有什麼可誇的。是一份禮物,他們只能謙卑地接受。

By faith, Noah, being shown by God what he had not yet seen, was moved with fear and built an ark to save his entire household. By this he condemned that generation and took upon himself the righteousness that comes from faith. (Hebrews 11:7).

When a person has faith in God:

  1. He will accept the knowledge and instructions given to him by God, and even if the knowledge is hard to believe, the instructions will be difficult to carry out.
    1. Something that has never been seen before is God’s way of challenging the growth of one’s faith (Isaiah 43:18-19).
    1. God can allow us to see things that we have not seen before, and to grow and broaden our faith.
    1. God can ask us to do things we have never done before to strengthen our courage.
  2. He will respond with action because of the fear of God.
    1. Two kinds of fear of God.
      1. We live in sin and fear God (James 2:19).
      1. We fear God because we know His power (Proverbs 9:10).
    1. Reverence motivates you to focus on what God tells you to do (Psalm 119:11).
    1. The fear of God can help you overcome your fear of people (Matthew 10:26-28).
    1. Rahab decided to become a traitor to Jericho out of fear of God (Joshua 2:11-12).
  3. He will bring the opportunity of salvation to those around him, including his family.
    1. Believe in the Lord Jesus and you and your family will be saved (Acts 16:31).
  4. He will bring judgment to those who reject God’s knowledge and instructions.
    1. Responses to the gospel often depend on their original beliefs.
    1. The attitude of both true atheists and actual atheists is to be happy in time. You tell them God’s judgment that they won’t have a good opinion of you.
    1. The gospel of salvation is for those who are weak to rely on themselves. So they don’t need any saviors, lifeboats.
  5. He will allow himself to inherit righteousness.
    1. Noah’s story: is it God’s Plan B?
    1. God was prepared to destroy the former in the first place to show God’s mercy to those who came after him (in Romans 9:21-30).
    1. There is nothing to boast about in salvation. It is a gift that they can only accept with humility.

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