An Acceptable Gift to God
希伯來書5:5-10 Hebrews 5:5-10
李業基牧師 Pastor Gideon Lee 3/31/2024
- 基督徒有一個主要任務,代表天父收禮物。
- 信徒皆祭司(彼得前書 2:9)。祭司的工作,就是為神收禮物。
- 君尊的祭司(Royal Priesthood) 皇家祭司。
- 神希望從你身上得到的禮物: 你向神舉起白旗。
- 人類世界從一開始就與神對抗。
- 你可以做一個個人選擇,停止與神對抗。
- 是一方投降結束的戰爭,才會帶進比較永久的和平。
- 憂傷痛悔的心,你必不輕看 (詩篇 51)。
- 先投降,再招降。
- 祭司為其他人獻祭之前,必須先為自己獻祭(希伯來書 5:3) 。
- 祭司能體諒無知和迷失的人(希伯來書 5:2) 。
- 耶稣基督是大祭司,體諒和耐性是從耶穌開始的。
- 耶稣在十字架上降服自己(希伯來書 5:7) 。
- 耶稣向我們招降: 不投降,就只有死路一條!他是帶著溫柔,出於憐憫。
- 聖父應允所有聖子的禱告為我們帶來安慰: 保證你和我在基督的身體裏合而為一 (約翰福音 17:20) 。
- 耶稣與之前舊約的祭司不一樣。成為神的 “兒子”,純粹是神主權的安排。
- 只有耶穌兼完美的祭物和祭司於一身。
Christians are gift collectors.
- Christians have a primary task of receiving gifts on behalf of the Father.
- Believers are priests (I Peter 2:9). The priest’s job is to receive gifts for God.
- Royal Priesthood.
What is an acceptable gift to God?
- The gift God wants from you: You raise a white flag to God.
- The human world has been pitted against God from the very beginning.
- You can make a personal choice to stop confronting God.
- The wars that end with surrenders tend to bring in a more permanent peace.
- Sorrow and contrite will not be despised (Psalm 51).
What does God require of the royal priests who are responsible for the collection of gifts?
- Surrender first, then call others to surrender.
- Before a priest could offer a sacrifice for others, he had to sacrifice for himself (Hebrews 5:3).
- Priests are considerate of the ignorant and the lost (Hebrews 5:2).
What can we learn from Jesus as little priests?
- Jesus Christ is the High Priest, the source of patience and compassion.
- Jesus surrendered Himself on the Cross (Hebrews 5:7).
- Jesus surrenders to us: If you don’t surrender, you will die! He is gentle, out of compassion.
- The Father’s answer to the prayers of all the Son brings us comfort: Assurance that you and I are one in the body of Christ (John 17:20).
- Jesus was not the same as the priests of the Old Testament before him. Becoming God’s “son” is purely God’s sovereign arrangement.
- Only Jesus is the perfect sacrifice and priest in one.