For God so loved the world
- 希望 (Hope): 先知的蠟燭 The Candle of Prophets
- 平安 (Love): 伯利恆蠟燭 The Candle of Bethlehem
- 喜樂 (Joy): 牧羊人的蠟燭 The Candle of Shepherds
- 愛 (Love): 天使的蠟燭 The Candle of Angels
- 愛神愛鄰兩條誡命是一切律法和先知書的總綱 (馬太福音22:36-40)
- 愛是最大的恩賜(林前13:8, 13)。
- 沒有愛的就不認識神,因為神就是愛。(約翰一書4:8)
約翰福音 3:12-16: 因為神透過賜下祂的獨生子來顯示祂對人類的愛,當你承認自己是個罪人,相信耶穌是全人類唯一的救主,你就能與永生神重建關係。
- 承認自己是個罪人: 摩西在曠野怎樣舉蛇 (民數記21:1-9) 。
- 相信耶穌是全人類唯一的救主: 除了從天降下的人子,沒有人升過天。
- Agape: 因神如斯(無條件地)愛世人。
- Philos: 耶穌哭了 — 你看,他多麼愛他!(約翰福音11:35-36)
Four candles for Advent
- Hope: he Candle of Prophets
- Love: The Candle of Bethlehem
- Joy: The Candle of Shepherds
- Love: The Candle of Angels
- The two commandments of loving God and loving one’s neighbor are the sum total of all the laws and prophetic books (Matthew 22:36-40).
- Love is the greatest gift (1 Cor. 13:8, 13).
- He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. (1 John 4:8).
John 3:12-16: Because God showed His love for mankind by giving His only begotten Son, when you confess that you are a sinner and believe that Jesus is the only Savior of all mankind, you can be restored to the living God.
- Confessing to Being a Sinner: How Moses Lifted the Serpent in the Wilderness (Num. 21:1-9).
- Believe that Jesus is the only Savior of all mankind: No one has ascended to heaven except the Son of Man who came down from heaven.
- Agape: God loves the world (unconditionally).
- Philos: Jesus wept. You see, how much he loves him! (John 11:35-36).