希伯來書 11:23-29 李業基牧師 11/3/2024
- 神總是在工作,建造美事(不再一樣 #1) 。
- 摩西是個俊美的孩子。
- 神透過愛和關係來給我們動力。(不再一樣 #2) 。
- 摩西的父母寧願違抗命令。
- 神在我們心裡放了一個良知。
- 當我們看到不公義時會憤怒。
- 我們行善因為相信神有最終審判。
- 神邀請我們參與祂的工作(不再一樣 #3)。
- 摩西選擇與弱勢同胞一起受凌辱,而不做法老女兒的兒子。
- 摩西寧願選擇為主的緣故受辱以獲得想望的報酬,而不是世俗的財寶。
- 摩西年青的故事提醒我們人沒有方法靠自己得到公義。
我信因我看見真 (11:27-29)
- 神在我們心裡放了一個追求真理的渴求。
- 因為摩西恆心忍耐,如同看見那不能看見的神。
- 神透過聖經、禱告、環境和教會對我們說出真理(不再一樣#4)。
- 神邀請你與祂同工時,總是會帶領你進入信仰的危機(不再一樣#5)。
- 摩西帶領人們離開埃及之前,自己必須先順服神返回埃及。
- 你相信神,但你信靠神嗎?
- 你必須在你的生命中做重大的調整,才能加入神的行列(不再一樣#6)。
- 以色列人看到埃及人抗拒耶和華得到的災難。
- 逾越節以色列人看到個人信與不信的結果。
- 信是每一個人要為自己所做的決定。
- 當你順服神,祂藉著你成就祂的工作時,你就藉著經歷來認識祂(不再一樣#7)。
- 以色列人憑著信心跟隨摩西到未知的地方。
- 摩西憑著信心帶領以色列人渡過紅海。
- 作為一個生命群體,教會又可以透過順服神給我們奇妙的工作來經歷神。
I believe because I see truth, goodness, and beauty
Hebrews 11:23-29 Pastor Gideon Lee 11/3/2024
I believe because I see beauty (11:23)
- God is always at work, building good things (no longer #1).
- Moses was a handsome child.
- God gives us motivation through love and relationships. (Not the same as # 2).
- Moses’ parents were willing to disobey the order.
I believe because I see goodness (11:24-26)
- God has put a conscience in our hearts.
- We get angry when we see injustice.
- We do good because we believe that God has the final judgment.
- God invites us to be a part of His work (no longer # 3).
- Moses chose to be humiliated with his weaker people rather than the sons of his elder daughters.
- Moses preferred to be humiliated for the Lord’s sake in order to be rewarded for heavenly rewards rather than worldly treasures.
- The story of Moses’ youth reminds us that there is no way to gain righteousness on your own.
I Believe because I see the truth (11:27-29)
- God has put a thirst for truth in our hearts.
- For Moses endured as if he had seen God who could not see.
- God speaks the truth to us through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church (no longer #4).
- When God invites you to work with Him, He will always lead you into a crisis of faith (not the same #5).
- Before Moses could lead the people out of Egypt, he had to return to Egypt in obedience to God.
- You believe in God, but do you trust God?
- You have to make major adjustments in your life to join God (no longer #6).
- The Israelites saw the Egyptians resist the calamity that Jehovah had received.
- The Passover Israelites saw the results of their personal belief and unbelief.
- Faith is the decision that each person has to make for himself.
- When you obey God and He does His work through you, you come to know Him through experience (no longer #7).
- The Israelites followed Moses in faith to unknown lands.
- In faith, Moses led the Israelites across the Red Sea.
- As a community of life, the church can experience God by obeying His wonderful work for us.