使徒行傳8:4-23;25-40 李業基牧師


  1. 主要在耶路撒冷傳道。(使徒行傳 1:8)
  2. 人數還在繼續增加。以至于他們不得不任命執事來分擔責任。(使徒行傳 5:12-16; 6:5-7)
  3. 耶路撒冷教會受到的逼迫使他們分散到猶大和撒瑪利亞的不同地方。(使徒行傳 8:1-2)

分散各地傳道 (使徒行傳 8:4)

  1. 基督教的擴張主要是由 “非自願傳教士 ” Involuntary Missionary主導的。
  2. “五月花 “號上的朝聖者。為了尋找更好的謀生之地。想要自由。
  3. 但在我身上發生的事… 也是許多外國學生的故事。MIT & Northeastern

向當地人宣講(使徒行傳 8:5)

  1. 在撒瑪利亞城,血統不那麽純正的人,反而沒有給他很大的反對。
  2. YMCA教會才真正發展起來。

一邊聽一邊看(使徒行傳 8:6)

  1. 成熟的基督徒加入我們的事工。
  2. 在Gordon Conwell神學院兼職學習。
  3. 宣教工作很多時候不會永遠持續下去。

清道開路先鋒(使徒行傳 8:7-8)

  1. 教會搬到了唐人街,和在大學區遇到是不一樣。
  2. 郊區的牛頓Newton租了一個地方

回到初心: 把最重要的事情做好(使徒行傳 8:25-29)

  1. 回到留學生中間服侍。我們加入了麻省理工的事工。
  2. 在麻省理工學院和哈佛大學學者中間工作的幾年有更多機會與有影響力的人一起工作。
  3. 宣教工作作為開路先鋒,要把最重要的清道開路先鋒做好。將後續的工作交給其他人。


Acts8:4-23;25-40 Pastor Gideon Lee

The expansion of Christianity around the world is often related to people being forced to move from their homeland due to different types of persecution.

  1. They preached the gospel mainly in Jerusalem. (Acts 1:8)
  2. The number of believers continued to grow. So much so that they had to appoint deacons to share the burden. (Acts 5:12-16; 6:5-7)
  3. The persecution of the Jerusalem church forced them to scatter to different places in Judea and Samaria. (Acts 8:1-2)

Scattered to Preach (Acts 8:4)

  1. The expansion of Christianity was mainly led by “involuntary missionaries”.
  2. The pilgrims on the Mayflower. In search of a better place to make a living. Wanting to be free.
  3. But what happened to me is also the story of many foreign students. MIT & Northeastern

Preached to the locals (Acts 8:5)

  1. In the city of Samaria, those of less pure descent did not oppose him strongly.
  2. The YMCA church really took off.

Listened and watched (Acts 8:6)

  1. Mature Christians joined our ministry.
  2. Part-time studies at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.
  3. Mission work often does not last forever.

Trailblazers (Acts 8:7-8)

  1. The church moved to Chinatown, which was different from the experience in the university district.
  2. A place was rented in the suburban area of Newton

Return to the heart: doing the most important thing well (Acts 8:25-29)

  1. Returned to serving among international students. We joined the ministry at MIT.
  2. The years working among scholars at MIT and Harvard gave us more opportunities to work with influential people.
  3. Mission work: Be a trailblazer and do the most important trailblazing work yourself. Leave the follow-up work to others.

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