箴言15:13-25李業基牧師 4/14/2024




  • 不知所謂
  • 不合時宜
  • 不切實際



  1. 這個人在問題上說了什麽?
    1. 在哪裏找到這些言論和著作?
    1. 這些說話是在什麽情況下說的?
  2. 這個人的核心價值觀是什麽?
    1. 他有沒有任何隱含的假設和偏好?
    1. 他的價值觀怎樣影響他的決定?
    1. 他的生活環境怎樣影響他的核心價值觀?
  3. 我怎樣能夠在我的處境中發揮這個人的智慧?
    1. 我的人生境遇與作者有何異同?
    1. 你能做些什麽來改變或讓事情變得更好?
    1. 他的價值觀是不是合乎聖經呢?如果不是,你怎樣擇其善者而從之,其不善者而改之?


  1. 箴言是一部為有宗教信仰的人而編輯的,人際關系錦囊。
    1. 取材主要是所羅門給他的兒子們的教訓。
    1. 人際關係挑戰就是他們的老婆很多都是外國公主。
    1. 他們的家庭幸福和國家安危就是連成一線。
  2. 維持關系的核心價值
    1. 謙卑 (15:25)
      1. 沒有什麽比守寡更悽慘。
      1. 但驕傲人的家,結局會比那些寡婦的家更加淒慘。
      1. 一個人相信世上有一個公義和慈愛的神,就能夠明白這個道理。
    1. 喜樂 (15:13-15)
      1. 喜樂是一種內在態度。要靠主常常喜樂。
      1. 你知道一切自有神供應。你就能夠常享筵席。
    1. 敬愛 (15:16-18)
      1. 敬愛就是避免和化解衝突的重要原素。
      1. 敬愛才能夠遷就。
      1. 敬愛才能夠容忍。
      1. 敬愛不止于容忍也會改善。
      1. 對神的敬愛,包括尊重神的主權。神有最好的時間安排。
    1. 正直 (15:19-21)
      1. 人走在邪惡的道路,你不能坐事不理,把錯誤的行為正常化。
      1. 作為父親和母親,你有責任教導你的孩子,讓他們擁有智慧有聰明。
    1. 協策 (15:22-24)
      1. 集思廣益是一個常識。你越能夠向人學習。你做什麼事情就越有機會成功。
      1. 協策不僅在教會中很重要,在家庭中也很重要。
  3. 家庭是一個小教會,教會是一個大家庭
    1. 家庭糾紛有時需要教會干預。
    1. 神在自然家庭中的一些設計,也應該反映在屬靈的大家庭中。
      1. 丈夫和父親是一家之主的觀念,是神用對自然家庭的一個設計。教會也是一樣

Humility and Mutual Respect

Proverbs 15:13-25 Pastor Gideon Lee 4/14/2024

A reminder at the dinner meeting with seminarians

If a person fails to humbly learn from the Bible writer, it is a warning sign that he may not be humble enough to learn from those in front of him.

Preachers not respecting the writers of the Bible often imply unconsciously that the biblical author was:

  1. Unclear
  2. Outdated
  3. Impractical

If they treat the biblical writer like that, they might see older church leaders that way: unclear, outdated, and impractical.

How to learn from people?

  1. What did this person say on the issue?
    1. Where can I find these statements and writings?
    1. Under what circumstances are these words spoken?
  2. What are the person’s core values?
    1. Does he have any implicit assumptions and preferences?
    1. How do his values influence his decisions?
    1. How does his life environment affect his core values?
  3. How can I bring this person’s wisdom to my situation?
    1. What are the similarities and differences between my life circumstances and the author’s?
    1. What can you do to change or change things for the better?
    1. Are his values biblical? If not, how do you choose what is good and change what is not?

Solomon’s Motto

  1. Proverbs is a book about interpersonal relationships among God-believers.
    1. It is mainly based on Solomon’s teachings to his sons.
    1. The interpersonal challenge is that many of their wives are foreign princesses.
    1. The happiness of their families and the security of their country are linked together.
  2. The core value of sustaining relationships
    1. Humility (15:25)
      1. There was nothing worse than being a widow.
      1. But the house of the proud ends up worse than the home of the widow.
      1. One can understand this by believing that there is a righteous and loving God in the world.
    1. Joy (15:13-15)
      1. Joy is an inner attitude. Rejoice in the Lord always.
      1. You know that everything is provided by God. You will be able to enjoy the feast often.
    1. Adoration (15:16-18)
      1. Love is an important ingredient in avoiding and resolving conflicts.
      1. Respect is the only way to accommodate.
      1. Love is tolerated.
      1. Respect is not only tolerance but also improvement.
      1. Respect for God includes respect for God’s sovereignty. God has the best timing.
    1. Righteousness (15:19-21)
      1. People are walking on the path of evil, and you can’t sit back and normalize wrong behavior.
      1. As a father and mother, it is your responsibility to teach your children that they are wise and wise.
    1. Counsel (15:22-24)
      1. Brainstorming is common sense. The more you are able to learn from people. The better you have a chance of succeeding in what you do.
      1. Collaboration is important not only in the church, but also in the family.
  3. The family is a small church, and the church is a big family
    1. Family disputes sometimes require church intervention.
    1. Some of God’s designs in the natural family should also be reflected in the spiritual family.
      1. The idea that the husband and father are the head of the family is a design that God uses for the natural family. It’s the same with church.

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